KNOW YOUR RIGHTS - Jury Summons and Breastfeeding Mothers

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS - Jury Summons and Breastfeeding Mothers

Jury Summons and Jury Duty… Right after you have a child, this probably isn’t the first thing on your mind. However, there is still a chance that you will be called to fulfill your civic duty and you should know your rights. According to the National Conference of State Legislature, in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Utah, and Virginia you may be exempt or allow jury service to be postponed if you are a breastfeeding mother. If you are not able to be exempt from your jury summons, remember that you do have the right to a safe and clean place to pump and to request that from the court. It may be the Judge’s chambers or a specific lactation room, however, you should have access to a private space to pump. Each state, however, has different ways to explain your situation. For example, there may be an online service or you might have to formally request excusal in writing. Make sure to check out your states laws and regulations regarding exemption.


If you are in one of those states that do not allow an exemption, Maia may be exactly what you need! A portable, safe, discreet place to store your breast milk! Stay tuned and make sure you sign up for our email list to learn more about breastfeeding facts and to share your thoughts, comments, questions, or suggestions.

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